The BLITZ Mini F745 + E55 BL32 is a combination of flight controller and powerful ESCs with 20x20mm hole spacing, suitable for smaller 3" and 5" classic drones powered by 3-6S batteries.
The iFligiht BLITZ Mini F745 is a high quality flight controller with a powerful STM32F745 processor that enables the board to support Betaflight, iNav and Ardupilot. It also features a gyro ICM42688, a barometer for measuring altitude DPS310 and 16MB memory for Blackbox. The board features six UARTs as well as an I2C bus. There is also a 5V and 9V BEC. Power can be supplied by 3-6S Lipo batteries.
The iFlight BLITZ Mini E55 ESCs can handle current up to 55A and use advanced BlHeli_32 firmware that supports telemetry, bidirectional dshot or variable PWM frequency. The ESC also includes a current sensor.