AtomRC Swordfish is an aircraft with a 1200mm wingspan, primarily designed for long and smooth flights. The plane is made of EPP material, reinforced with carbon. EPP is highly durable and can be easily glued if damaged. The central section provides ample space for installing a flight controller, receiver, and other accessories. In the front section, under the black EPP cover, there is a large compartment for the battery. To achieve extended flight times, a 4S1P Li-ion battery with 21700 cells can be used. The Swordfish features dual motors mounted on the wings, leaving the nose free for FPV camera placement. The FPV camera can be mounted either on top of the aircraft or directly in the nose. Two black EPP covers are included, allowing adjustment based on the camera type and placement. The covers are secured with a screw, which is more reliable than magnetic mounting. Above the wings, there is space for a video transmitter, ensuring sufficient airflow for cooling. The wings are easily detachable for convenient transportation. LED lights are integrated into the wingtips to improve orientation in the air and enhance visibility. The Swordfish is a fully functional aircraft with controllable ailerons and a V-tail elevator/rudder. The rear V-tail is attached to a plastic mount, improving joint strength. The underside features a small wheel for smoother landings.
The Swordfish comes in a PNP configuration – it includes motors, ESCs, and servos. A RC receiver, as well as optional FPV equipment, a flight controller, and a GPS module, must be added separately. The electronics are not pre-installed.
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